
Impact 24

Every year, Impact brings leaders at the forefront of innovation in many sectors together to explore the opportunities for creating global digital future. A variety of tracks is available, including industry 4.0, 5G, IoE, fintech, biotechnology & digital health, transportation, energy & environment, science to business, investments and entrepreneurship. This year’s edition, which will take place on 15th and 16th May in Poznan (Poland), has included a brand-new thematic track: Space! Below some of the space-related topics that will be addressed:
  • Space Industry as a Catalyst for Technological Innovation: Discuss the role of the space industry as a source of new technologies that are also applied in other sectors of the economy. Presentation of examples of space technologies, such as telescopes, satellites and sensors, which have found applications in terrestrial sectors such as telecommunications, navigation, environmental monitoring and many others.
  • Start-ups, Private Ventures and Investments in the Space Industry: A discussion on the growing role of space start-ups and private investment in the development of new space technologies and space services. Discussion of the role of the private sector and commercialization in space and the challenges and benefits involved.
  • Regulatory and Legal Challenges in the Space Industry: A discussion of legal aspects related to space exploration, including space law, liability rules and space mission safeguards.
  • Space Industry and Sustainable Development: Discussion of the role of space technology and space exploration in the context of sustainable development, including environmental monitoring, access to space resources and other aspects. Discussion of the risks and challenges of space pollution, space debris and the need to protect the space environment.
  • Space Economy and International Trade: Analysis of international trade relations and cooperation in the space field, including the geopolitical impact on the space industry
For further information, visit Impact’s official website