202409_Article SATLANTIS

MESEO supports EO sustainability applications

Enhancing Ultra High Resolution (UHR) innovative Onboard processing functions and Electronics Control systems to better support EO sustainability applications.


MESEO project is focused on designing, prototyping, and demonstrating an open, flexible, and scalable multi-mission Earth Observation (EO) end-to-end system for large-scale processing.

The initiative aims to enhance performance, addressing bottlenecks both on board and on the ground, while ensuring the sovereignty of space data. The primary objective is to improve the quality of service and response times by optimizing the EO chain across various levels and processing nodes. This includes reducing communication bandwidth and integrating new technologies optimized for power consumption and processing efficiency.

As part of the MESEO project, SATLANTIS is dedicated to advancing Onboard Processing and the Electronics Control System (ECS) – both hardware (HW) and software (SW). Our focus is on optimizing the ECS, which manages camera functions and operations, and handles the data generated by the imager. This includes storing, processing, encrypting, and transmitting data for download.

SATLANTIS offers complete small satellite solutions for Earth and Universe observation, centered around the space-validated iSIM technology (Integrated Standard Imager for Microsatellites). The iSIM technology family consists of high-resolution optical telescopes specifically designed for micro and nanosatellites. These telescopes feature a compact and straightforward optomechanical design, combined with the latest advancements in electronics (detectors and processors), the use of COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) components, and advanced manufacturing techniques. This combination delivers unmatched mass-to-resolution ratios.

As part of the MESEO project, SATLANTIS will lead the activities of WP6 (On-board processing functions) focused on defining and prototyping on-board processing functions. In collaboration with the other MESEO consortium members, UBOTICA and CREOTECH, we will work on defining these functions to enhance data processing performance while adhering to applicable data management security constraints and ensuring harmonized interfaces for exportable functions. The ultimate goal is to prototype these functions to verify that they meet the required data processing performance and data management security standards.

To achieve the project’s objectives, SATLANTIS will enhance the performance of the Electronic Control System (ECS), which oversees the control of the entire payload and manages the data acquired by the imager. The standard ECS will be customized to optimize its performance in compression, memory usage, disk writing, and image processing. Various on-board compression techniques will be evaluated to achieve higher compression ratios, with an expected rate of up to 6:1, thereby improving storage capacity. Additionally, FPGA-based disk writing techniques will be employed to significantly boost data writing rates. Moreover, within the MESEO project, Ultra High Resolution (UHR) algorithms will be implemented on-board, enabling Level 1B processing in orbit. This approach will reduce data volume by up to a factor of 10, greatly enhancing the efficiency of the downlink budget.

The activities concerning WP6 (On-board processing functions) are ongoing, and the consortium is currently working on the preliminary definition of the on-board functions. Initial functional and interoperability requirements have been identified, and a preliminary on-board architecture has been outlined, along with the on-board operational framework.

The MESEO project represents a significant step forward in EO sustainability applications. SATLANTIS is proud to contribute to this innovative endeavor by enhancing onboard processing and ECS capabilities. Together, the project consortium is developing a more efficient, flexible, and sustainable EO system that addresses current bottlenecks and paves the way for future advancements. These performance enhancements to end-to-end (E2E) systems will be demonstrated through a couple of use cases aligned with the climate neutrality targets of the EU Green Deal: the detection of methane emissions and crop classification.