Kick-off of work package 4
MESEO partners have kicked-off work package 4 “System Engineering” which, as a first result, will provide a detailed analysis of satellite system performances.
This analysis will detail the legacy earth observation satellite systems for detecting the data processing performance bottlenecks and identifying areas for improvement from different perspectives: technology, design, operations, etc.
Another initial result of this work package is the definition of a high level space system and its upstream, midstream and downstream components, with the focus on the innovative elements with regard to the legacy systems. It includes the design of an EO Coordination Center for data processing at different levels using the Function-as-a-Service paradigm provided by heterogeneous EO suppliers.
As a first task, system actors / stakeholders as well as system bottlenecks are being identified and a first issue of the MESEO system context will be generated.
- February 6, 2024
- 10:21 am